Saturday, September 10, 2011

Keep that Kid Quiet...

A friend on Facebook posted a link to an article and a quote that I found thought-provoking. Couldn't agree with the following sentiments more:

"Usually disruptions in services are regarded as coming from children. I really appreciate churches that regard the typical children noise as holy noise. One church I visited has taken cries of a child and said to the congregation, 'Turn that cry into a prayer that you're praying for the underserved people of the world whose needs are not being met.' But if a disturbance comes from someone in a tantrum, a child is having a tantrum, then I think that child needs to be removed from the service so that child is not embarrassed by their out-of-control behavior. So it depends on the nature of the disturbance, but to say there should be no disturbances in a worship service creates a very Western, cognitive-oriented worship service. Holy noise that is even sometimes distracting can be a great, beautiful sound to our God." Scottie May, associate professor, Wheaton College

Parents need to be sensitive to address unruliness. However, a coo or momentary cry should not be cause for panic, nor should it draw dirty looks from those around them. Rather than a hindrance to worship, these coos and cries should be aids to thanksgiving for the gift and prospect of glory that this little life represents.

Grace & Peace,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think everyone should have a tantrum once in a while at church. I remember several pastors that have done that over the years, most of the times during the homily or sermon.