Saturday, August 15, 2009

A Timely Reminder...

The Friday before the first week of classes is typically the busiest day of the year for the housing office. Normally, ten to fifteen leases is a busy day for us, but on this day we usually have thirty to thirty-five leases. Further, this is also the day on which the school typically schedules its mandatory all-employee meeting for the last two hours of the day. This year was typical in this regard. So on a day in which we have almost three times the number of people to process than any other day in the year, we have two less hours with which to do it. Lest this turn into a gripe session, let me move on to the real reason for which I am posting.

I woke up this Friday morning with stress all over me and in many ways dreading the headaches that I knew would come as the day wore on. I took the two minute commute from my house to the parking lot in front of the Memorial Building where I work to say a short prayer and listen to forty-five seconds of a Jack Johnson CD (my standard go to on stress-filled days). As I got out of my car I saw something that melted the stress that was already building...a rainbow.

After taking in the site for a few moments I walked into work with a renewed sense of God's presence, faithfulness, and goodness.

Thank you Father for this timely reminder in the midst of life's busyness. Help us to fix our eyes on Your goodness, rest in the security of Your faithfulness, and walk in the peace of Your Spirit each day.

Grace and Peace,



The Mills said...

God is so good! Thank you for that beautiful reminder of His goodness.

Anonymous said...

two things i've learned about God thus far: 1. He is faithful. 2. He certainly has a sense of humor. Awesome reminder good sir!
A Beach